Monday, November 9, 2009

Jill Bolte's Stroke of Insight

Jill Bolte Taylor was a 37-year-old Harvard-trained and published brain scientist when a blood vessel exploded in her brain. Through the eyes of a curious neuroanatomist, she watched her mind completely deteriorate whereby she could not walk, talk, read, write, or recall any of her life. Having lost the categorizing, organizing, describing, judging and critically analyzing skills of her left brain, along with its language centers and thus ego center, Jill’s consciousness shifted away from normal reality. In the absence of her left brain’s neural circuitry, her consciousness shifted into present moment thinking whereby she experienced herself “at one with the universe.” This video is very inspiring and informative, check it out.


Ta-Wan said...

Yeah, seen it, it's a very nice talk she gives. Great that she had the learning, was able to witness it all, and in the end to be able to tell the tale so vividly.

John W. Ratcliff said...

Thanks for sharing this Eric, it was very powerful.
