Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Osho - Anyone Who Gives You a Belief System is Your Enemy

This is one of my favorite Osho clips where he says that anybody who gives you a belief system is your enemy. This is the real difference between Religion and Spirituality - the former is someone else's external doctrine, while the latter is your own internal relationship with the divine.


Ta-Wan said...

Oh Osho. I read a book of his not knowing who he was and it was lovely. Then I met more and more people, specifically one, who would always say "Osho said this...." ... "Osho said that..." ...

and I said to her "Well, what do you think!?"


Nice to see your new blog developing Eric :-)

Eric Dubay said...

Thanks Tao. I've really enjoyed all the Osho books I've read as well. He's kinda like Krishnamurti, the anti-guru guru. As you pointed out, none of these thinkers can/should/are meant to replace what YOU think, but hopefully can enhance and inspire.
